許 悔 之
Xu Huizhi
詩 詞 類

許悔之,本名許有吉,1966年生,臺灣桃園人,國立臺北工專(現改制為國立臺北科技大學)化工科畢業。曾獲多種文學獎項及雜誌編輯金鼎獎,曾任《自由時報》副刊主編,現為《聯合文學》雜誌及出版社總編輯。著有童書《星星的作業簿》,散文《眼耳鼻舌》、《我一個人記住就好》,詩集《陽光蜂房》、《家族》、《肉身》、《我佛莫要,為我流淚》、《當一隻鯨魚渴望海洋》、《有鹿哀愁》、《亮的天》,二○○六年底出版《遺失的哈達:許悔之有聲詩集》(黎煥雄聲音導演,陳建騏原創音樂)。英譯詩集 Book of Reincarnation、三人合集《臺灣現代詩II》日譯詩集等詩作外譯,並與馬悅然(N.G.D. Malmqvist)、奚密(Michelle Yeh)合編《航向福爾摩莎:詩想臺灣》Sailing to Formosa: A Poetic Companion to Taiwan(美國華盛頓大學出版社出版,二○○五)。曾主持華視文化教育頻道「詩人部落格」節目,獲二○○六年教育部「最佳終身學習節目獎」。

Xu Huizhi (Hsu Hui-chih) is the pen name of Xu Youji, who was born in Taoyuan in northern Taiwan and received a B.S. in chemical engineering from Taipei Institute of Technology. Currently he is the executive editor of Unitas, a leading literary journal in Taiwan. He started writing poetry in the early 1980s, cofounded the poetry journal Horizon in 1984, and has published seven books of poems in addition to prose. His poetry has been translated into English, Japanese, Russian, and Dutch. He co-edited Sailing to Formosa: A Poetic Companion to Taiwan with N. G. D. Malmqvist and Michelle Yeh(published by University of Washington Press, 2005)
