斑 蝶
 粉 蝶
 蛺 蝶
 鳳 蝶

羅申芳 Luo Shen-Fang 

1954年 出生
1978年 開始喜歡攝影
2004年 正式使用數位單眼相機追尋蝴蝶的影像

Luo was born in 1954. He graduated from the Taiwan Provincial Taichung Teachers College in 1974. In 1978 Luo developed a passion for taking photographs. He received a bachelor’s degree from the Dept. of Journalism, Night School of Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1982. Luo participated in the website development project “Taipei Municipal Junior High Schools Education Data Base - Nature and Life Technology Program”. This project was sponsored by the Ministry of Education in 1999. When Luo retired he made a resolution to catch beautiful images of butterflies via the medium of photography. In year 2005, he began to use a digital camera to catch the beauty of butterflies and henceforth his life would never be the same again.

 斑 蝶
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 粉 蝶 & 小 灰 蝶
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 蛺 蝶
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 鳳 蝶
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羅申芳 - 蝴蝶故事解說
Butterfly Story telling by Luo Shen-Fang
2007年07月07日(六) 下午三點
July 7, 2007 (Sat.) 15:00


During the opening for the exhibition, the artist’s hand-decorated fans will be given away and artworks will be auctioned.

羅申芳 - 蝴蝶故事解說 | 王建民 - 蠟筆木板雕刻教學 | 莊文岳 - 粉彩高手現場教學 | 黃麟鳴 - 木刻仙禽解析 | 台灣蝴蝶保育學會 - 蝴蝶生態講座
天使美術館 版權所有 © 2007 Angel Art Gallery. All Rights Reserved.
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