莊 明 景
Mike Chuang
攝 影 類

1942年生,台灣大學哲學系,曾任美國FPG International 任特約攝影師,舉辦過無數次攝影個展,拍遍台灣與中國大陸的自然景觀,尤以拍攝玉山、黃山及各種大寫意山水景觀等而聞名。 作品有莊嚴有氣勢的山頭,矇矓起霧的半山腰,環繞在白棉棉的雲中,彷彿仙境又似中國水墨畫。他的作品彷彿會說話,會營造出大自然的氣氛與感覺,你不須親臨現場就能夠體會。

Mike Chuang was born in 1942, and graduated from the Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University. He has worked for FPG International in the U.S.A. as a Laureate Photographer. Chuang has held various solo photography exhibitions. While traveling around Taiwan and Mainland China, he took photographs of natural landscapes. He is especially well known for taking photos of Mt. Jade, Huangshan, and a wide variety of mountain and water scenery. The majority of his subjects are impressive and imposing mountains, and vague and misty hills. The mountains are surrounding by soft and white clouds, and seem like scenes from heaven and Chinese brush paintings. Mike Chuang’s photographs seem alive, and create a feeling of verisimilitude. You are made to feel as though you are on the peak of the mountains when you see the photographs. Thus, you don’t even need to pay a visit to those great mountains, but can enjoy the same feelings looking at the picture.